

I created this website in the summer of 2008 when I was preparing to start graduate school at MIT. It began as a personal blog for friends and family, and originally used the domain Over time I moved away from blogging and the site evolved into a more static online portfolio. To reflect that change, and to coincide with a redesign in the summer of 2011, I moved to the domain Finally, in the summer of 2014, I acquired the current domain


The design was inspired by and adapted with permission from Leo Babauta. The XHTML and CSS are original and were written by hand, with one exception: the standards-compliant new window trick from SitePoint. The final product was created with extensive input from my partner and personal graphic design consultant, Dr. Alexander Lowe McAdams.


I believe in sharing ideas and creations. All of the original code (see above) is public domain, so feel free to use it with no restrictions. I would appreciate credit or a link back, but it's not required. All of the content not published in print form is released under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NoDerivs), meaning you can use it in any way as long you provide proper attribution and don't alter it. My doctoral thesis copyright is held by MIT, but may be freely viewed and downloaded. Peer-reviewed journal article copyrights are held by their respective publishers, and access may be restricted, but I am able to provide reprints. If you have any questions or want to request permissions or reprints, please contact me.